Data Avatar


First project made using P5.JS. I want to convert something abstract like data and numbers and visualized it. This project is similar to graphs or charts that give the viewers an overall view about one's data. It is also easier to analyze and compare data to data.

The data that I used to create this dragon avatar is the number of times I open different mobile apps a day. Each shape represent a different app I opened that day. Along with it I also make the size different based on the amount of times I clicked on that specific app.

The light teal wing represent the hours I spent on Twitter. Red is for watching Youtube. Purple pentagon is for looking at arts on Instagram. Light blue is for Facebook and dark blue is for Discord. Since the data I took was back in school year so the green iris is for opening the Duo authentification app. And for the big yellow body? I read internet novels every day so I have a speicific browser dedicate for reading. The browser's color is yellow orange, plus i spent at least 4-5 hours a day reading so it has to be bigger than others.