Starry Sky
A photo collage I made back in 2018 using Photoshop. The goal of this project is to use pictures I have taken to create a surrealism collage.
A few years before I had the chance to visit Paris, France. And during the stay I took a few pictures of the sunset on the Seine. It was mesmerizing. I chose 2 pictures of the susnset on the Seine as the perspective marks for the collage. In the foreground there's a bridge with pdestrians walking by. In the middle ground there's buildings and another bridge connecting the 2 riversides. To create the surrealism atmosphere, I had to choose an element that has little to no relation to the Paris bridges. The concept in my mind was to create a cityscape that has the fantasy element in it. That is my I choose the jellyfish one. A cityscape with floating jellyfish in the sky seemed surreal enough for me. However, just the jellyfish in the sky would be quite empty, so I chose a decorated streetlight photo to mimic "stars".
After sellecting all the photos, I then used Photoshop to combine together the collage. It was a new experience for 2018 me because before that I only use Photoshop to draw. Editing pictures with Photoshop is pretty easy in my opinion. I get more familiar with the tools while making the collage. Select the area that I want to clean with the lasso and magic wand, edit the colors in each sections, etc...
I'm quite sastisfied with the finished Starry Sky. I would do more digital collage when I have the chane.